See What Our Residents are Saying About Us

I love living here. It’s been really cute and I love the effort they put into events for the community it’s really kind. I don’t plan to move out.


Great location. kind and helpful neighbors. Very walkable neighborhood. Walking distance to red line Saltillo plaza station and downtown Austin.


The Arnold has been great to work with. Despite reviews about the Greystar communities, we have been really impressed about the response time of staff and maintenance. The property remains clean and tidy. Only complaint is that the dog park is never cleaned, which is frustrating of both the other owners who don't pick up and management who does not enforce it


The Arnold is the best apartment community I have ever lived in. Management and maintenance are responsive and understanding, and the overall experience is wonderful. My husband and I are so happy with our decision to live at The Arnold.


I have had a great experience living at the Arnold thus far. Great amenities and a very friendly staff. Apartments are spacious and well kept up with.


Overall nice apartment complex and enjoyed living here. I felt safe. Kind of expensive but you’re paying for the location. I didn’t have many problems but the few maintenance requests I put in were addressed quickly


Please bring back fetch as my packages keep getting stolen. The staff is nice but you can tell that they are overworked so sometimes request take a few days to get resolved.


It has been great living here for the past few years. The staff definitely are the ones who make it great. They make us feel welcomed and our feedback heard. Thank you!


I love the location of where the Arnold Is located. And the floor plan of our apartment is amazing.sometimes it can b a little loud but nothing out of control That can be dealt with


Great staff and community. Noise levels are low and amenities are really nice. Location is super nice as well, the building is next to a lot of bars and restaurants.

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Each resident review is provided by a current or former resident of the apartment community. Neither Modern Message nor the residential apartment community control the content of the reviews provided. All participating residents receive an equal number of rewards points within the Community Rewards platform in exchange for posting a review.